Python is a powerful programming language that comes pre-installed on many systems. If you do not have it, follow the following instructions. Linux
You already have it.
Mac OS X
You already have it.
- Download Python from Make sure the TLD is .org and not .com!!!
- Install Python. I hate installing things in the root directory, but I went ahead and installed python at "C:\Python26".
- Add Python to your path.
- Right click on My Computer.
- Click Properties.
- Open the Advanced tab.
- Click the Environment Variables button at the bottom.
- In the User variables field-set, click PATH.
- Click Edit.
- Prepend
C:\Python26;C:\Python26\Scripts; to the beginning of the Varaible value field.
- Click OK x3.
- Download python setuptools from the cheese shop.
- Install setuptools.
N.B. setuptools is not necessary for your python installation, but
it has some handy utilities like the easy_install.exe which makes
installing python modules and packages like Django a breeze. e.g. C:\> easy_install django